I seriously doubt that I have blogged about this, and I felt, being slightly intoxicated and emotional, that I should. So here goes.
I was thinking about Johnny Cash today, as I normally do think about great musicians. There isn't much I can write about that hasn't been covered by much better writers than myself, but I do have a few words that took me a while to put into context.
Johnny Cash was the quintessential American musician. He was uncompromising, passionate, a consummate writer, a spiritual beacon, opinionated, professional, weak, strong, and an overall musician's musician. I can sit and listen to his bourbonesque voice for hours. He had a talent for pushing his beliefs when they were not popular, no matter what. He believed what he believed, whether you agreed with it or not. At the end of the day you had to respect him. He forced it from you. Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Gospel Hall of Fame. Country Music Hall of Fame. He wore black for the oppressed, the dying soldier, the illiterate, the down-trodden and the homeless. He was the Man in Black. Without Johnny Cash, the American puzzle is truly incomplete.
Johnny Cash was so goddamn cool that he could span four decades of music with original songs that are still covered and revered by musicians today.
Johnny Cash was called home on September 12, 2003 and I think everyone misses him as much as I do.
Hey, I don't know if this is your cup of tea or not, but if you're a fan of Americana you should check out Mary Chapin Carpenter's "I am a Town." I think it's pretty awesome, as in I'd give up my right index finger for the ability to write that well.
I'll be back in Jackson in a few weeks- we need to grab a beer sometimes.
Look at the Mississippi Department of Archives & History site. I see a few jobs that would pay the bills that I bet you could finagle your way into with a law degree.
Thanks for the note. I'll check it out. Get back into town and we'll head up to one of the local watering holes.
Hey, I'm back in town.
I also found a ragtag copy of my novel, which you're welcome to read.
Send me an email at yorickesq@yahoo.com and we'll figure out a time to drink and discuss what horrible writers we are.
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