Pictured above are some dickhead Nazis burning books in Germany in the 1930s. Incidentally the Nazis were driven from power and their ideology is now compared to anyone who represses ideas, commits atrocities, or enjoys goose-stepping around Florida schools.
Fuming. I'm just sitting here fuming after reading an article about a south Florida school that wants to remove a Cuban children's book from the libraries there. Here is the article: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070605/ap_on_re_us/cuba_book_ban
Now I'm a pretty bitter and cynical person, but anyone who knows me, knows that I am a patriot through and through and the one thing I do not back down on is The Bill of Rights. I can't even write much I'm so fucking mad. Just to say this: I bet that the same libraries that this fucking school wants to ban this children's book from, also have copies of Mein Kampf. For you who don't know what that is, its the book Hitler wrote. I can't write anymore, my blood pressure is too fucking high. Fuck that Florida school board, fuck that idiot that proposed banning it and fuck anyone else who wants to ban books. Yea, thats right.
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