I was just watching MSNBC when Paris Hilton was ordered back to court. Well, thats it folks. The apocalypse is upon us. As Hilton was driving off in the police cruiser, hundreds, literally, hundreds of camera men mobbed the car and swamped it. The cops had to force their way out. Has our society sunk this low where the public is so desperate for information about a rich, non-college educated, convicted, almost completely useless person? I mean, seriously. With everything going on in the world, this is front page news? They have to have live coverage of her going to court for a misdemeanor? So my conclusion is this: this is the 7th sign of the apocalypse and we are all about to explode in a fiery end. I think the next few signs have something to do with the sky turning to the color of sack-cloth and brimstone raining from the heavens. Better check the weather.